PCB Information N吃對etwork Interview wit鄉費h our general manage短內r
Ride the wind 資鐘and waves pilot technolo分場gy general man近村ager Xu Xiangxi -劇有 an interview with 美鐘Jin Long
[source]: PCB明行 information network [a得上uthor]: Fanny [da北美te of public從村ation]: 2013-10-14
If with Xu only a noddi能照ng acquaintance w跳玩ith, reunion in the c會煙rowd, may not be able對文 to recognize h錯雪is face. His presen畫雨ce is not partic朋刀ularly domineering近空, appearance 土電is not particularly著你 handsome compelling, 資為personality gentle and 唱吧polite, but slightl機跳y less quiet wo司校rds. Before 河術the interview, the a藍能uthor somewhat 山房worried that this chara可內cter is quiet responden拍兒ts is our fear en通自countered a probl也近em: to answer the on兵分e or two sentence, the l區兵ate writer, do自子 not know how many mil知醫lions of dead brain c南大ells.
The surprise is th技森at in talking a街近bout Jin long, chatted 熱個about their team, his co拿訊mpany's produ日土cts, Xu changed the sil學林ence style, slow購美ly opened the chatte行木rbox, for we 少服weiweidaolai.亮術
Business histo不村ry: There is a工樹 way out.
Jinlong technology was 吧紙established 山線in 2004, now has 能自nearly ten years. Time 可慢went by., youn不要g Jin Long di一和dn't grow apart from th明到e beginning of土讀 entrepreneurship Ever動朋ything is going smooth慢我ly., suffered bumps, hug開城e impact in 2008 the gl討麗obal economic c話一risis is almost t和中he enterprise南些 is still immature 什身in the colla房個pse of the tempes從多tuous waves i畫化n the flood. S微綠peaking of this diffi開吃cult period, Xu seems 不爸to still haunt, he 數匠told reporters that讀錢 they had already s請光et up a research and de這歌velopment team, R &a務呢mp;amp; D pr個化oducts are still 那黃in the crisis海老 test and perfect stage員頻, the expenditure o件影f the whole c水門ompany was onl筆志y relying on business票報 income to maint短拿ain, but bec我金ause business affected b綠鐘y economic t黃短he crisis is p算能articularly lar南冷ge, the econ黑好omic situation has been 作國stretched jinlong. A關黑t that time, ma農微ny enterprises ha是書ve adopted large-scal友姐e layoffs meas制明ures to reduce costs in 船綠order to protect 妹兵the tail. Jinlo弟自ng R &am答腦p; D funding is a金化 big expense, 時兒in that life and deat去呢h juncture, Xu has reso街遠lutely to keep the R 就視& D team, 男相because Xu know that t月拍hey have not銀服 enough to for冷南m a strong core compet生到itiveness, research a現綠nd development and inn報會ovation is the key t木好o the future of Jinlon你看g they gain 鐘土a foothold in the近到 market, if cut R &個少amp;amp; D team for th務兒em, it reall上妹y is a crowning calamit鐘工y.
It was an extremely diff知冷icult time, wi票綠th the shortage of funds街姐, the departure of some爸農 core members, and the n科兒ewly built c員妹orporate architecture城樂...... In orde了秒r to resolve the crisis報花, Xu they borrowed se樂學veral high-rise all a內兵ble to borrow mone門理y, the loan of al兒多l loans, he said with a街舞 smile: "is not an exagg村商eration to say t我鄉hat even the m書器eals and eat a me聽讀al, wait out the teet國年h in the pro跳年vince from a few more 舞長money to emergency要秒." At that time al民雨so Jinlong howe老玩ver is a young enter對通prise, all diffi習見culties and h輛河ardships can only 媽我rely on all people to水些 bite the Jin很光 Long boil do少慢wn, but also wit雜去h such a stubb內關orn interest, they will東河 launch new p唱海roducts in the會拍 market, and a numb日慢er of large and medium唱河-sized enterprises an睡黃d identity, Jinlong fi好放nally in that gl生工obal financial t厭鄉urmoil survived.
To survive, we m還店ust have produ海但cts with core c黃愛ompetitiveness
Xu in the financial那理 crisis was deeply a和輛ware of, in orde西司r to occupy a pla高近ce in the market, we 花市must have the core co唱路mpetitiveness of p廠工roducts. This product 媽器must not be noth火黃ing traditiona個道l products, but also 制很must not be instant succ有睡ess cottage pr些了oducts, but should con農有tinue to adapt to mark公吃et demand and keep p做也ace with the times of 資廠innovative products.
Xu always admi志空tted that the company 場一just started th紙東e establishme朋區nt, only to do some s國錯mall business, is a tr空中ade oriented enterp國不rises, and later beg那家an to launch the traditi關拿onal PCB testing mach火林ine, and by 2007,還吃 it was only兒計 800% of R &他生amp; D. At t船媽he end of last year, Jin師匠long launched a s志信ingle arm automatic t信慢esting machine. This t內笑est machine can be sa慢路id to be the traditional讀謝 test machine gorgeo亮視us transfigurat技機ion, the tradition很吃al test machin拿她e is coming in from 民多the side, the oth紅議er side out,媽很 the model is hu吃們ge, efficien劇聽cy is not high. Singl土跳e arm automat上你ic testing mac森生hine will be c近機ompressed into one side 窗算of both sides o慢家f the body, gre銀兵atly reduce the 他分working area, thi村討s is undoubtedly 說開a big boon for PCB ent鐵知erprises Cuntucun喝拍jin, and this model 遠用can be manual testing 內用machine line with務在 any other brand,紙科 make it automati在如c machine, which makes歌民 those who have 身筆already purchased 湖能a manual test 黑在the enterprise is com視市pletely zero waste t麗新o upgrade equipment. In來票 addition, the new 山近test machine adopts mec大站hanical arm automatic白弟 transmission, more 志我suitable for i愛拿rregular shape of t月師he PCB test, and t煙生he mechanical arm ty間喝pe plate, mo花地re stable, and accord服呢ing to the test d林內ata and customer feedbac外商k, this product compare你內d to traditional produc海和ts can improve the 腦火efficiency of thirty t門事o fifteen percent, is v又腦ery suitable for large少朋 batch testi從紅ng. Intelligent, effici放些ent, cost savi作新ng, moderate pric我男e...... These keywords玩紅 so that this家看 product shines brillia了如ntly in the market, 志些but also won校校 the relevant pate東黃nts. Jinlong Road of dev看學elopment, na得是turally become more 草近broad, survival話喝 seem is not so dif相物ficult.
All the frui問劇ts and fruits come fr區東om the countless days a高志nd nights of hard的慢 work. Xu revealed to t開暗he author, a new pro厭腦duct from R &劇說amp; D to officially 身什launch, they spen花北t about a year and 地匠a half, but 短廠before the official lau醫車nch of the market, in o又土rder to guara話什ntee the stability of th拍你e products, a有子nd more than si志樂x months aft費快er the repeated testing睡低 and inspection司話, launched in the marke她錯t, they spent ne市志arly seven months u坐男se the time 關知to collect the文從 views of customers, acc海窗ording to their opinion他可s to make products more 水短perfect. The做資 new product tot不分al investmen靜歌t of more than four文如 million, close t空員o the company's t林雨otal revenue of tw務外enty percent. Xu s弟林aid that the amount 城理of research and developm是作ent will be m船報aintained in她市 the future 西紙to maintain the comp吧議any's lasting i就愛nnovation.
Steer took Jinlong也對 people ride the w海秒ind and waves
Xu made sever理嗎al rounds of 能間interviews a舞銀nd said, "fortu工呢nately, we have 區上taken the right黑人 direction."."
From the beg都我inning of the外舞 Kam Lung Trading C煙女ompany, to sell t用店he traditional 離明PCB testing machine equ木關ipment company媽林, and then t票電o have the main R &南厭;amp; D capabilities又又, in the high-end mark又站et equipment comp年離any, has experienced s請微everal major transforma錯秒tion, and the succe費坐ss of the last tr門但ansformation, is the k嗎地ey reason to push 木電the Jinlong good.
In recent ye如身ars, because of 歌遠the vicious competition這事 in the market, the自哥 price of the traditio影窗nal test mac在木hine has been cl劇志ose to the cost p就店rice, and the pro不我fit becomes extremely t亮現hin. If you ins藍相ist on this road, th錢行e development of s影呢pace will only become 鐘農narrower and e下暗ven overwhelmed at t會歌he end. Therefore they 那風Xu several c訊舞ore personnel will tr裡購ansfer the company大房 make a prompt decisio制那n, positionin跳熱g in the high-end m行計arket, began to indep離不endent resea媽藍rch and development我人 innovation road.
Today Jinlong proved 玩年their decision is correc章熱t, once young, 器兵frail now Jinlong has be東森en gradually in the reig鄉姐n of terror in the marke暗不t foothold. 船離In this rega門有rd, Xu modest錯讀 said,
After the visit, th要水e photographer l金業et us go to the fro身雜nt of the Jinlong紅資 photo, then we make a b科我rief farewell, when Xu事就 returned to the quie生離t and shy. However,看行 who can say not a跳化rticulate, but Gu peo市飛ple buried in 理文hard work is not a goo水公d entrepreneur, a 制體good leader?又了!